Tap Into Your Creativity and Embrace Your Inner Artist During COVID-19 | Mortgage Investors Group


Tap Into Your Creativity and Embrace Your Inner Artist During COVID-19

Being at home 24/7 makes it challenging to stay active and engaged with the hobbies and creative interests you’d normally participate in. If you’re missing your pottery class, music lessons or knitting circle due to the coronavirus, you can still get the creative juices flowing and even discover new creative outlets. Take the time at home to explore a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to try.

YouTube is proving to be a valuable resource to learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here is a list of channels offering free classes, lessons, or other creative learning opportunities:

Pantry Cooking – If you’ve cut back on grocery shopping like most families in the country have, then you’re likely finding yourself looking for new ways to stretch the items you have on hand. Here are some links that will help you become a culinary cupboard genius.

Crafting – If you’re a crafter, or looking to get started, what better time to start a new project? Crafting keeps your hands and mind busy and engaged. Here are some resources to inspire your next “crafter-piece.”

Music – Are you hoping to learn or relearn an instrument that’s been collecting dust for a while? There’s an endless number of YouTube music tutorials to choose from. Here are just a few:

Art – You know that old tote of paints and colored pencils you’ve had tucked away in the attic? It’s time to get those out and channel your inner Bob Ross. YouTube is filled with free art lessons that will inspire you to create your own wall pieces.

Writing – Are you finding your mind racing and over-thinking a lot these days? Use that energy in a creative way by putting pen to paper. Creative writing allows you to release your thoughts and creates a healthy distraction from the world outside. Here are some online writing lessons that can help you get started.


Whether you learn a new song, paint a mural, or write the next great American novel, you’ll undoubtedly pass the time in a constructive, creative, and healthy way.

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