How many realtors does it take to sell a home?


This is no joke, but for our recent client Mason, it actually took 4 of us to get the job done. And the truth is, due to all of the challenges that we encountered along the way, it would have been very difficult for any one of us to complete this sale on our own. 

Mason’s sale was a great example of what we strive to bring to every client and how we choose to support our team members: 

For our clients, we always strive to customize our approach drawing upon all of the available resources and areas of expertise on our team. 

And for our team members, we're constantly encouraging our colleagues to ask for help when they need it so that the rest of us can rally around them with our support. 

Thank you Ann, Max, Shelley, and Tracy for all of the timely and generous support that you brought to Mason and to each other. Through your attitude and your effort you demonstrated perfectly why we have a team.