Hannahs Home of South Florida - Tequesta


All newborn children need the best start that can be afforded them. There is a growing need for housing young pregnant women and their babies. Unplanned pregnancies often result in young women being rejected from their homes and living in unsafe environments. Hannah’s Home of Florida is a maternity home for single pregnant young women ages eighteen and over. The home is where single, pregnant, young women who have limited support and resources could stay and choose life for their babies. They provide a safe nurturing environment intended to provide strength and encouragement needed to face the future in positive ways. There are several Hannah’s Home locations. One home is in Tequesta.

The home is valuable because it is a nurturing, safe place, a real home. It is not a rehabilitation clinic or treatment facility. These women as treated as worthwhile individuals. Pregnant women are encouraged to achieve their goals. They begin to make healthy choices and create healthy relationships. Many of the residents have no family or support system and deal with issues of abandonment. 

The safe place focuses on four different areas of a young person’s life: Mental health, Physical health, Spiritual health, and Emotional Health. The goal is to provide hope for lives that are hurting and broken and to let them know that life can look different. The home can provide hope and a place to live temporarily until they are on their feet. Sharing hope for a better future for the women and their babies.

If you have an interest in helping these women and their children, please donate or volunteer at Hannah’s Home.