Editor's note: Bruised but not broken - Mortgage Strategy


So here we are, seemingly approaching the other side of lockdown, a scenario we have longed for since restrictions were announced in March. Looking back, while we have all been in the same boat with our lives turned upside down, we have all faced different challenges.

Personally, the pandemic has led to my wedding being postponed, having to watch my beloved grandmother’s funeral over webcam and the sale of my house, which was a done deal before lockdown, falling through.

Each of you will have had your own struggles as a result of the virus and it’s okay to admit that you are a little bruised by the experience. Many of us have a tendency to just get on with things, telling ourselves ‘It could be worse’. And yes, it nearly always could be, but suppressing our emotions is far from healthy. It’s not wallowing to take a minute to grieve, to be upset or angry; so be patient with yourself as life returns to ‘normal’.

I enjoyed a very honest, heartfelt chat with two well-known brokers on the latest Mortgage Strategy podcast in which a very valid point was made: while we are in the midst of a challenge we soldier on, our fight-or-flight nature kicks in and we generally fight. It’s only in the aftermath that we feel the pain of what we’ve been through.

The housing market will also be bruised and, while green shoots of positivity are starting to appear, it too will require time and patience to recover. In this month’s cover feature we look at the lenders that really stepped up to the plate when times were tough, while our second feature analyses the new challenges the market faces and what can be done to overcome them.

This is our last issue of Mortgage Strategy magazine until September, though we will of course be keeping you up to date with our online news and commentary.

Wishing you all a joyful summer – you surely deserve it!

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