Ian Giles leaves Vida Homeloans | Mortgage Strategy


Ian Giles has left Vida Homeloans after working for the lender since its launch in 2015.

Giles was director of marketing and more recently a marketing consultant for the business.

His departure follows that of Louisa Sedgwick who left at the end of March and will be joining Tandem Bank in October.

Sedgwick was replaced as head of mortgage distribution by Richard Tugwell.

Giles has yet to reveal details of his future plans, but is now listed on Linked In as an independent marketing consultant, as he was prior to working for Vida.

Before this, Giles was director of marketing and communications at Kensington.

In a statement on Linked In, Giles says: “Today is my last day at Vida Homeloans. It’s been quite a journey for VIda from being a start up in October 2015 with no permanent office and 11 employees to being a profitable specialist mortgage lender with 160 employees (although, in a strange symmetry, still no-one in a permanent office).

“I’m proud of helping to build the Vida brand and I’ve really enjoyed my time as director of marketing and, latterly, marketing consultant to the business. “I have valued the opportunity to work with some very talented mortgage professionals along the way.

“Some of my contacts may know that I am a fully qualified pilates instructor and personal trainer so let’s see where that leads!

“Having said that, the UK mortgage market is an ever-changing and fascinating environment and I’d like to think that my skills and experience might be applied usefully to interesting projects in the future.

“For now, to quote the dolphins in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, so long and thanks for all the fish.”

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