Fluent Lifetime celebrates breaking into top five equity release brokers | Mortgage Introducer


Following a record year of lending the business, which was established in 2018, has ranked fifth for completed cases.

The growth was recorded in equity release market statistics released by Touchstone, which is part of Equifax, showing the 12 months to the end of Q3 2020.

While the overall later life lending market contracted in a year dominated by the pandemic, Fluent Lifetime completed a record number of cases, as well as growing its North West team.

The business was last also named based financial adviser at last week’s 2021 Equity Release Awards.

Aaron Conlon, managing director at Fluent Lifetime, said: “I’m delighted with the growth and central to this has been our ability to provide a resilient service alongside our agility, transitioning to remote working quickly while still providing services with the right compliance and oversight in place

“In many respects Fluent Lifetime had a head-start in delivering services remotely, unlike others in the market who relied on face-to-face contact and were severely impacted by the pandemic.

“The technology we had in place ensured we were available to serve when many were adapting to new working environments and market pressures.”