One to One: Elise Coole, managing director, Keystone Property Finance | Mortgage Strategy


Since your promotion to managing director, what have been the most significant changes to your role at Keystone?

In my old job, I was focused on the day-to-day operations here at Keystone. But from now on I will be much more broker facing and will have a big role in shaping the strategy of the business — two things I’m really looking forward to.

As a woman in a senior role in the finance industry, do you feel there is equality in the sector?

The industry has come a long way since I started, and I’ve been lucky to work with some amazing companies and people who supported my development and didn’t treat me differently because I was a woman.

I believe that, more often than not, if you try your best in everything you do, people will judge you on your effort, ability and results, rather than on your gender.

The mortgage industry suffered considerably as a result of the Covid restrictions. What are the main lessons to be taken from the fallout of lockdown?

Coronavirus has had a huge impact on the way we work, but I think the pandemic has really brought home the importance of good communication.

We’ve also seen how vital it is to retain solidarity as an industry. When we work together, we succeed together.

What has been your biggest challenge in the role to date, and your biggest achievement?

One of the biggest challenges we have faced, as a young business, is trying to grow volumes while ensuring good outcomes for brokers and their customers. Hopefully, our brokers feel we have been able to do that, but it is an area that we are always trying to improve.

The biggest achievement has to be our recent £400m securitisation, which was the result of more than two years of hard work from everyone here at Keystone.

It is huge for us because it will enable us to grow volumes and to offer some genuinely innovative products in the near future. Watch this space.

What is the best part of your job?

I love solving problems, whether devising new products, finding ways to improve our service, or helping brokers find solutions for complex cases that may not fit with other lenders.

I’m lucky that my job allows me to do that on a daily basis.

If you had not chosen this career path, what other professions appealed to you?

To be honest, I always wanted to work in finance. I’ve always loved maths and have a degree in it.

So I suppose if I wasn’t in this career I would want to do something involving numbers, perhaps in research or teaching.

If you were chancellor for a day, what would you prioritise?

For a start, I’d celebrate being the first female chancellor of the exchequer.

Then I’d work on streamlining our tax system, which is highly dysfunctional at the moment.

I’d also make it a priority to encourage people to save more into their pensions.

Do you have any secret talents?

I was into kickboxing when I was younger and before lockdown I was training in Thai boxing twice a week.

I also have a full motorbike licence.

Who is your all-time hero, and why?

Coco Chanel. She was known as a visionary and an entrepreneur, but the thing I admired most about her was her perseverance.

She suffered a number of setbacks but kept going until she achieved what she wanted to achieve. I find that incredibly inspiring.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Perfection is unachievable, but aim for excellence.

Also, choose to do your best at any time, on any given day, at every moment.


Year established: 2005

Headcount: 80

Address:  42 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4AJ

Tel: 0345 148 9086 (Broker hotline)

Keystone Property Finance is a lender for brokers who have complex landlord clients who are looking to finance standard BTL properties, as well as those wanting to finance higher-yielding properties such as HMOs and multi-unit freeholds. Keystone uses a cloud-based AIP and application system.

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