Make the most of Organise Your Home Day


Having made it through the festive season, the thought of organising your home can seem overwhelming. But instead of putting it all in the “too hard” basket, break down the job into snack-sized projects.

Check out our ideas to get started, and enjoy leaner, cleaner living with the potential for some valuable health perks.

How to declutter – streamline your life

Decluttering is the process of cutting back on unnecessary stuff. And it seems our homes are chock full of things we no longer need or want.

According to Gumtree’s latest Second Hand Economy Report, 91% of Australians have unwanted items in their home.

Having mountains of stuff taking up valuable shelf, bench or cupboard space can make your home’s interior appear small and overcrowded. But clutter can also have a serious impact on our health.

A study by the Australia Institute found four out of ten Australians feel anxious, guilty or depressed about their household clutter.

So, take the plunge and start decluttering. It can be hard to let stuff go, so ask a friend along for support. Above all, be firm. If you’ve never used the pineapple-shaped placements you picked up in Hawaii last year, it’s unlikely they’re ever going to grace your table.

How to plan a declutter strategy

Start by dividing unwanted items into three piles – stuff to bin, things to donate to charity or recycling organisations like Freecycle, and those earmarked to sell at a garage sale or online. Gumtree estimates the average household is sitting on $5,404 of unwanted items. So it’s a chance to turn clutter into serious coin.

If there’s something you really can’t bear to part with, store the items in labelled storage tubs that can be tucked away or consider renting storage space.

Bring up a sparkle, work up a sweat

If you’ve managed to get through the declutter stage, give yourself a pat on the back. Your home should be looking much lighter. Now to get it brighter.

Help your place sparkle with a thorough floor to ceiling clean.

Instead of spending a fortune on costly cleaning products, rummage through the pantry for budget-friendly staples. Bi-carb of soda is a great scourer. White vinegar has deodorising properties, and lemon juice can be a handy stain remover.

The health benefits of giving your home a good clean really stack up. In addition to fewer germs, dust and grime, researchers at Indiana University in the US, found a day spent dusting, cleaning and doing laundry involves a solid level of physical activity, and can be a good substitute for pounding the pavements to reduce the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease.

Give your home loan a service too

As part of Organise Your Home Day, dust the cobwebs off your home loan.

It could be cluttered with features you’re not taking advantage of, or if you’ve had your loan for some time it’s important to make sure you’re still paying a competitive rate. Set a date to speak with your Aussie Broker so they can explain how your home loan shapes up in terms of the rate and features.

If your financial wellbeing is being impacted by the need to juggle multiple debt repayments, it may be worth consolidating your debts into a single loan. Your Aussie Broker can crunch the numbers to see if this is an option that could work for you.

With your home and home loan looking good, it’s easier to tackle the year ahead with a more organised approach.