Proportunity Loans becomes Imla member | Mortgage Strategy


Proportunity Loans has joined the Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association as an associate member.

The addition of the specialist lender means Imla now has 44 banks, building societies and specialist lenders as members, along with 12 associated mortgage service providers.

London-based Proportunity Loans provides second charge top-up loans to help buyers leverage larger lending deals.

The business was co-founded in 2016 by chief executive Vadim Toader and chief technology officer Stefan Boronea.

Imla executive director Kate Davies says: “Proportunity offers an innovative solution to aspiring homeowners aimed at helping them to meet affordability requirements, an issue faced by many since the introduction of the Mortgage Market Review in 2014.

“We are delighted to welcome them into membership and look forward to hearing more from the team at Imla’s upcoming meetings and roundtable sessions.”

Proportunity Loans chief executive Vadim Toader adds: “Amid an unprecedented period, we are pleased to bring to market a creative solution for those wanting to buy a home.

“As part of our brand journey, we are excited to have joined Imla’s membership, which will provide a significant opportunity to collaborate with the wider market.

“We look forward to meeting with Imla’s wider membership over the coming months.”

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