Sesame Bankhall hires Emma Thomson to protection role | Mortgage Strategy


Sesame Bankhall Group has appointed Emma Thomson as head of protection and general insurance.

It is a newly-created role and the group says the appointment is the first in a series of hires as it targets growth. 

Thomson joins from British Friendly where she was a product strategist and has over 20 years’ industry experience.

Prior to that Thomson was life office relationship director at LifeSearch where she worked for 18 years. 

She is also founder and chair of the Women in Protection Network and former chair of the Protection Distributors Group.

Thomson will take up her role on April 6 as part of the newly-formed propositions team, which will be developing new services for advisers across the mortgage, protection and wealth markets. 

Thomson will report in to the new propositions director, who will be announced in due course, along with the rest of the team. 

Sesame Bankhall Group chief executive Michele Golunska says: “We have ambitious plans to broaden the services and value we offer to advisers across Sesame, Bankhall and the PMS Mortgage Club. 

“A core part of this is the significant investment we’re making in the creation of a new propositions team. 

“We’ve been searching for talented professionals who understand adviser needs, and emerging consumer and proposition trends. 

“I’m delighted that Emma will be part of this exciting new phase of Sesame Bankhall Group’s evolution and growth in services. 

“Emma has brilliant industry relationships and an in-depth knowledge of the protection market, which will be welcomed by mortgage, protection, and wealth advisers, along with our product provider partners.” 

Thomson adds: “It’s a fantastic opportunity to work with a strong leadership team, who are committed to further increasing the focus on protection as part of their drive to continually improve customer outcomes. 

“I’m very much looking forward to sharing my passion for protection with Sesame, Bankhall, and PMS advisers. 

“I’ve also been impressed by the Group’s relationship management ethos, which I believe is something I can contribute to, given my experience working directly with advisers, customers, and insurers to drive positive change for all.”

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