Govt invests


The government said this will provide greater choice of alternative housing and support options, as detailed in its Adult Social Care Reform White Paper, published by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

The paper also revealed £150m of additional funding to drive greater adoption of technology and achieve widespread digitisation across social care.

As well as this, the government said it intends to invest £500m so the social care workforce have the right training and qualifications, and feel recognised and valued for their skills and commitment.

A new practical support service will be made available to make minor repairs and changes in peoples’ homes to help people remain independent and safe in their home, alongside increasing the upper limit of the Disabilities Facilities Grant for home adaptations such as stairlifts, wet rooms and home technologies.

The government will provide up to £25m to work with the sector to start a change in the services provided to support unpaid carers and £30m to help local areas innovate around the support and care they provide in new and different ways, providing more options that suit peoples’ needs and individual circumstances.

Also detailed in the white paper was a national website to explain the upcoming changes and at least £5m to pilot new ways to help people understand and access the care and support available.

The government has also committed more than £70m to increase the support offer across adult social care to improve the delivery of care and support services, including assisting local authorities to better plan and develop the support and care options available.

Nick Sanderson, chief executive of Audley Group, said: “All the right noises coming out the social care white paper.

“Arrangements to help people downsize, a £300m investment to integrate housing into local health and care strategies and a focus on boosting the supply of specialist housing.

“All of this signals the government has finally woken up to the benefits of treating housing and care as one. Good news that has been a long time coming.

“Specialist housing, like integrated retirement communities, offer countless benefits – improving the health and wellbeing of property owners while simultaneously reducing the pressure on local care services and the NHS.

“People should undoubtedly be supported in their decision to move into such properties and it’s encouraging the government has acknowledged this. And this will only act to free up the housing sector further.

“Now we need to see the promises in this long-awaited white paper translate into action.

“We can’t afford for the government to drag its feet or spend too long exploring themes, when change needs to start now.”