Coventry makes cuts of up to 66 basis points | Mortgage Strategy


Coventry for Intermediaries has cut rates across a number of its owner-occupier, offset, and interest-only products.

The biggest cut takes place at 90% LTV, where the owner-occupier two-year fix with zero product fee has been reduced from 3.05% to 2.39%.

Other highlights include:

  • The 95% LTV two-year fix being cut by 40 basis points, to 2.85%
  • The 65% LTV five-year fix being reduced by 14 basis points, to 1.95%.

At the start of this year, the lender made cuts of up to 60 basis points within its buy-to-let offerings.

Coventry head of intermediary relationships Jonathan Stinton says this is great news for brokers, “who can now find even better options for a large range of clients at a time when home buyers and home movers are facing rising costs elsewhere.”

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