Data concerns grow as online mortgage quotes rise: Contact State | Mortgage Strategy


There has been a 100% rise in the number of homeowners that would go online for their next mortgage quote, according to the latest data Contact State’s inaugural report from Data Control Matters.

The research of 5,000 UK adults found that among those who have held a mortgage 17% began their last search online. 

However, when UK adults were asked where they would search for their next mortgage, 31% said online. 

Among those who have previously held a mortgage, 34% would now begin their search online, representing an increase of 100%.

When asked about the last time they got a mortgage, 54% got more than one quote before proceeding and the majority of those who did get more than one quote only got two. 

However, when looking for a mortgage now, 73% of mortgage holders said they would get more than one quote, with 42% saying they would get at least three.

While more people than ever are choosing to get mortgage quotes online, concerns about sharing data are growing, with consumers becoming increasingly unhappy with the way in which some mortgage firms are handling their personal information.

A quarter of all respondents said they would have concerns about sharing details about their occupation to get an online mortgage quote, 33% would not want to disclose salary details while 45% would not share spending figures or their ID (40%). 

Furthermore, 28% said they would not be happy sharing their email address and 37% their phone number; with 29% saying they have had a negative experience when doing so.

The top three issues included being called, emailed or text too much (30%), being contacted by companies other than the one they submitted details to (29%), and they were expecting an online quote but received a call instead (24%). 

When asked about the last issue in general, 63% of all respondents said they would be unhappy if they filled in a form for a mortgage quote with one company, but a different company contacted them instead.

Of those who responded, 31% of people feel less willing to share their data online now than they were five years ago.

Contact State head of mortgages and lending Thomas Brett says: “Gone are the days of getting one mortgage quote and then proceeding – people want to take more control of their financial decisions.”

“However, our data shows that the landing pages they are seeing when they search for quotes are becoming increasingly ‘deceptive’, presenting themselves as an instant quote or calculation when in fact, they are lead generation pages.”

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