CHL joins forces with Twenty7Tec | Mortgage Strategy


CHL Mortgages has partnered with Twenty7Tec, meaning the lender’s specialist buy-to-let products will be available on the CloudTwenty7 platform.

The product suite, which includes five-year fixes starting at 3.25% at 65% LTV and 3.10% at 75% LTV, relaunched in early May this year.

CHL Mortgages commercial director Ross Turrell comments: ““We have assembled our new proposition with a strong emphasis on cutting-edge technology and working with market-leading innovators such as Twenty7Tec is a natural step in gaining wider visibility for our offering now, and in the future.

“Sourcing technology continues to evolve, at pace, to meet shifting client demands and we believe Twenty7Tec is at the forefront of this evolution.”

Twenty7Tec head of lender relationships Nathan Reilly adds: “We’re delighted to have CHL Mortgages available on our CloudTwenty7 platform following their recent return to the BTL lending market

“Our data shows the market remains busy, which is why new partnerships and technology remain vital in driving efficiency for advisers.”

Yesterday, 16 June, CHL Mortgages was reappointed to Dynamo’s mortgage club panel.

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