You're invited to attend the free virtual world premiere of the "The Con" on August 5


I was Ohio’s Attorney General when the fraud-driven collapse of the housing market documented in “The Con” began. I’m proud to say that my office was at the forefront of the effort to hold the big banks, predatory lenders, rating agencies, mortgage brokers, stock and bond speculators, brokerage firms, real estate appraisers and others who ignited the near-collapse of the global economy accountable for their actions.

The things I learned as we investigated the mortgage industry were extremely disturbing and distressing. We discovered the home mortgage, which had for decades been the very foundation of the American dream, had become the cornerstone of a multi-trillion dollar racket run by charlatans, scam artists, and cheaters who gleefully used deceit and trickery to prey upon and ruin working and middle-class families.

While their behavior was deplorable, I was even more outraged by the fact that the regulators responsible for protecting the American people had turned a blind eye to the scam that was taking place under their noses and then refused to prosecute any of the criminals once it blew up.

I founded DannLaw in response to the government’s utter failure to protect and seek justice for homeowners and consumers. For more than a decade, DannLaw has filled the void left by regulators and prosecutors who refuse to do their jobs. We have used the law and the civil justice system to help thousands of families save their homes and to force banks, mortgage servicers, and other cheaters to play by the rules and compensate our clients.

I urge you to watch “The Con” which is fascinating and infuriating and to remember that we at DannLaw are here to do the job the regulators won’t.

You can register for the August 5 free Virtual live premiere of The Con here:

I hope you will join me for this important event.