A new beginning for Mortgage Finance Gazette


Since the turn of the year web traffic to the digital version of Mortgage Finance Gazette (MFG) has more than doubled.

As readers have developed an increasing preference for digesting news using digital platforms and social media we were bracing ourselves for an inevitable shift from print to digital over the next two years.

However, this surge in traffic to our website combined with unforeseen changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, meant we have decided to accelerate the inevitable.

Although we are sad to say farewell to the print edition of MFG we are also excited about developing our digital strategy over the coming months and years.

We are looking forward to embracing this new and more agile way of presenting news, features and commentary on the mortgage industry.

As well as being able to provide you with a more fluid offering, reacting quickly to the latest news and developments, we will also have fewer restrictions on space and more flexible deadlines which will make it easier to respond to the changing market.

Dan Miller, publisher of Mortgage Finance Gazette, said: “We have made the decision to move to a digital-only offering for MFG with immediate effect.

“Whilst we know many of you will be disappointed to hear of the closure of the print edition, we hope you will join us in embarking on this new and exciting chapter for MFG.

“Going digital means we can cover news as it happens, react to industry developments with immediate commentary and analysis quickly and effectively and also be more fluid in our offering.

“After 150 years we are embracing a new dawn and we are excited to develop our new digital strategy whilst offering you the same insights, news and views you have come to expect from MFG.”

We will continue to produce our daily email, which you can subscribe to by clicking here. What’s more we will still be hosting our events – the MFG Awards, annual conference and regular roundtables – once restrictions are lifted.

You can also follow us on Twitter via @MFG_Magazine or on LinkedIn to make sure you don’t miss a single development.