One to One: Principality chief executive Julie-Ann Haines | Mortgage Strategy


You took on this role during the summer of 2020 — a tough year. How did that go?

I started two years ago almost to the day!

Time flies when you are having fun. I have relished the challenge and really enjoyed seeing the organisation from a different perspective.

My primary focus in 2020 was to continue to support our colleagues, members and brokers through the various lockdowns, the uncertainty and the ambiguity. And now the country is there again, but in terms of cost of living.

We should challenge ourselves on how we give consumers peace of mind and ensure their mortgage is both affordable and flexible

We don’t have all the answers, but people want to know that you care deeply and will do everything in your power to help them. That is what I try to do every day in my role.

What priorities does Principality have for this year and the next?

We’re focused on doing even more to support colleagues, members, brokers and communities.

We have three pillars to our strategy: helping more individuals to get a place to call home; creating more financial resilience and confidence by helping people to have a secure future; and building a fairer society for all.

The values and integrity of the leadership and the ways things get done are what make the difference to me

Everything we do is about this — whether giving a commitment to keep our branches open until the end of 2025, pledging 3% of profits to social impact projects, or playing our part in tackling the climate emergency by aiming to be net zero in our operations by 2030.

From a mortgage and broker perspective, we are so grateful for the support from clients as we rolled out new technology across our estate in 2020/21.

What led you to the role and what past work experiences do you draw on to help you?

About 12 years ago, an ex-chief executive of Principality told me I had both the soft and hard skills to be a chief exec one day. It was the first time I could dare to dream!

So much bad practice was eliminated by the credit crunch, where change was really needed

In all the roles I have had across consumer goods, retail, financial services and marketing agencies, the customer/client has been at the forefront and this has been my passion. I love nothing more than meeting a customer or broker and working out what more we can do to better help them achieve their goals.

I’ve learned to be resilient, to have self-belief, and you don’t have to shout the loudest to influence getting the right things done.

I am a strong believer in using my ears and mouth in the proportions that I have them; asking questions and listening to seek to understand. I don’t get it right all the time and every day I challenge myself that I can improve.

I love nothing more than meeting a customer or broker and working out what more we can do

What is your favourite part of your job?

Speaking to colleagues, customers and brokers and feeling that we make a difference in so many ways. It is inspiring and motivating, and certainly helps to keep your feet on the ground.

What has been your biggest professional challenge to date?

Adapting to working in financial services at a time when the industry didn’t always do the right things by its customers. I think so much bad practice was eliminated by the credit crunch, where change was really needed.

We’re focused on doing even more to support colleagues, members, brokers and communities

I walked out of one of my previous roles without a job to go to because of a toxic culture, and I learned that it doesn’t matter how good a strategy is, the values and integrity of the leadership and the ways things get done are what make the difference to me.

Is there anything you would change about the mortgage sector?

I look at the lack of long-term, fixed-rate mortgages and wonder why, when interest rates have been so low, we haven’t seen more people take them out.

We should challenge ourselves on how we give consumers peace of mind and ensure their mortgage is both affordable and flexible.

I have really enjoyed seeing the organisation from a different perspective

If you could choose to have any other job, what would it be?

I’d love to be running a deli in the south of France, or Spain. Maybe one day….

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

Play to your strengths.

Company profile 

Year established: 1860

Headcount: Full-time staff – 860; part-time staff – 244

Address: Principality House, The Friary, Cardiff CF10 3FA

Tel: General enquiries: 0330 333 4000

A mutual building society, owned by and run for the benefit of its members, Principality is the largest building society in Wales and the sixth largest in the UK, with assets of just under £10.5bn.

Committed to supporting the communities of Wales, Principality has 53 branches and 17 agencies in Wales and the borders.

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