Mortgage Magic gets backing from new investor | Mortgage Introducer


Malin, who is co-owner of Burke’s Peerage, is an oil tycoon and tech investor.

Mortgage Magic has also appointed Rt. Hon. Sir Tony Baldry as chairman.

Baldry is a barrister and businessman who served in various Conservative administrations, including as Minister of State for Agriculture in John Major’s government.

Tanjir Sugar, managing director and co-founder of Mortgage Magic, said: “To have attracted investment from Sam Malin is a particular coup for us.

“Our CRM and mortgage management proposition for advisers will revolutionise the way in which advisers manage their customers across the whole mortgage journey and beyond.

“To have impressed someone of Sam’s experience shows that Mortgage Magic has definitely passed its first big credibility test.

“With Sir Tony Baldry joining our board as chairman, we are in the fortunate position of having two highly respected and experienced businessmen to help us turn our proposition into the next fintech success story and one which is specifically designed to assist the adviser channel rather than work against it.”