IMLA and AMI issue stark warning over hard stamp duty holiday deadline


The Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association (IMLA) and The Association of Mortgage Intermediaries (AMI) issued the caution amid concern the tax break had already caused ‘significant congestion’ in the housing market.

The trade bodies said buyers need to be made aware if they miss the deadline on 31 March 2021 they will be liable to pay the stamp duty, which in some cases could be thousands of pounds.

There is a threat, they said, those who had not factored in this additional cost may have to withdraw from their purchase and this could cause chains to collapse.

Now they have joined the chorus of voices suggesting the government tapers the stamp duty holiday deadline in order to avoid potential transaction failures at the eleventh hour.

This week the Building Societies Association revealed it had been in negotiations with HM Treasury to find the best way to avoid the ‘cliff-edge’ scenario the hard deadline might cause. It also wants a tapered end to the tax break.

Today IMLA and AMI said they had also spoken to the Treasury about their concerns that a large number of borrowers may not be able to meet the March deadline, through no fault of their own.

Indeed, this could be due to delays in obtaining searches, complex chains and the capacity impacts of firms operating in a ‘Covid safe’ manner.

They said the result could be borrowers were forced to borrow more funds to cover the costs of Stamp Duty, at a time when they may be stretched on their mortgage loan and additional borrowing may not be available.

Kate Davies, executive director of IMLA said, “Unprecedented demand continues to put immense pressure on lenders, intermediaries and conveyancers, who are all working exceptionally hard to battle through the capacity challenges they face.

“In addition to the myriad operational challenges posed by the pandemic, the incentive to beat the stamp duty holiday deadline is increasing volumes of business.

“We are concerned, as we approach the stamp duty holiday deadline, that borrowers need to be realistic about what will happen if they miss the 31 March cut-off date.

“Those who do miss it will need to be aware of how much stamp duty they may be liable to pay – and have a plan for finding that cash.

“If they can’t – there is a risk that their sale may fall through – taking with it a number of other transactions if there is a chain.”

‘Be upfront with borrowers’

Davies said lenders, intermediaries and conveyancers would be as upfront as possible with borrowers and manage their expectations, but said it was also vital borrowers planned ahead and ensured they had the necessary funds in place.

She added: “We are asking all our members to work to increase post offer operational support, and our broker and conveyancer partners to assess their new business pipelines.  This will ensure as many complete before any deadline.

“We want to avoid borrowers losing out – through no fault of their own – and have called for some flexibility to the deadline which would ease the immediate pressure on lenders and conveyancers, and treat borrowers whose cases are already in the pipeline more fairly.  One way of doing this would be to taper the withdrawal of the tax exemption rather than apply a hard stop on 31 March.”

Assess the pipeline

Meanwhile, Robert Sinclair, chief executive of AMI, said brokers, as the main contact point for the consumer at the sharp end of this, must work hard to keep the consumer informed and warn them of the potential risks they face.

“We are calling on lenders to ensure that their conveyancer partners have capacity to deal with the pipeline in front of them,” he added.

“I would like all lenders, brokers and conveyancers to assess their pipelines and operational capacity between now and the end of March and give a realistic assessment to their customers of the likely outcomes.

“By working together now we can minimise disappointment.  However, I firmly believe with what is already in the legal process, Government needs to stand ready to extend the deadline to avoid there being thousands of frustrated and disappointed taxpayers.”