Giving Tuesday 2022 Palm Beach County


Today is “Giving Tuesday” in Palm Beach County and across the nation. “Giving Tuesday” reimagines a planet built upon collective humanity and generosity. The annual day of giving began in 2012 following two major consumption days in the U.S., Black Friday and Cyber Monday, as a way to honor the value of generosity

The global network works together year-round to encourage generosity around the world. They have the common mission to build a world where kindness is part of everyday life. Whether it is making someone smile, or helping a neighbor or stranger out.  It is about showing up for an issue or people we care about. It encompasses giving some of what we must to those who need help, every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to give.

Organizations worth looking at:

Red Cross Organization

American Cancer Society

American Heart Organization

Doctors Without Borders

The Nature Conservatory

Palm Beach State College

United Way of the Palm Beaches

Jewish Federation of the Palm Beaches

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund

No Kid Hungry Foundation

Alzheimer’s Community Care

Cultural Council for Palm Beach County