Hillsboro Lighthouse Tour Broward County


The Hillsboro Lighthouse Preservation Society was founded in October 1997. The purpose of preserving the historic Hillsboro Light Station in its original form for the safety, enjoyment, and education of the public. The Hillsboro Lighthouse is a key landmark in Broward County.

It was first illumined with light in 1907 and has been a bright shining light on the east coast. The historical beauty, the Hillsboro Lighthouse, has survived storms and harsh marine environments to stand tall as a controller to ocean explorers. It endures to be a well-known shining beacon.

It takes some arranging to visit this charming structure as it is one of the very oldest structures established in Broward County. Also known as “The Big Diamond,” each piece of glass on the outside of the lantern room is in the shapes of diamonds.

The only way to visit the Hillsboro Lighthouse is by taking a boat tour. Tour Boats leave from Sands Harbor Resort and Marina in Pompano. It will take about two miles coasting along the wonderful Intracoastal Waterway and offers exceptional sightseeing along the way.

You must climb 175 steps of spiraling staircases to take you to the top of the lighthouse to see the beaches and stretches of beauty. Look down onto the clear waters and observe reefs which run along the Atlantic coastline. Get involved learning all the history carried with this lighthouse guided tour such as “Barefoot Mailman.”

Schedule your day trip with the Lighthouse Scenic Tours!