Mortgage Mole: April 2020 - Mortgage Strategy


Mortgage industry service announcement

Readers will be pleased to know that Mole’s self-imposed isolation that he started last week is going well and, amid this prolonged period of looking for stuff to read, he has witnessed the mortgage industry at its very best.

Mole has picked some items that caught his eye – featured on this page – but, if you’ve got a story of a broker going an extra mile to keep a client calm, a lender pushing an essential case through despite all the administrative challenges currently present, or anything that just brings a smile to your face, send it in so Mole and his readers can share the joy.

Cool runnings

The news that more than 700,000 people had volunteered to help the NHS brought a tear to Mole’s monocle. And, while he was in this unusual soppy mood, the sight of messages emblazoned across the top floors of some of London’s most iconic buildings thanking front-line staff set him off all over again.

It’s Mortgage Strategy’s turn to extend thanks, to Altura managing director Rob Gill and Brightstar chief executive Rob Jupp, whom Mole has learned have been beavering away at helping deliver medicines and, in one case, a portable fridge to those in need. Send names in to add them to the rollcall.

Digging deep

Newcastle Building Society has been very generous in donating £100,000 to The Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland’s coronavirus response and recovery fund. This will be used to help at-risk people, and brings the total amount raised to more than £300,000.

“With this support we’ll be able to make more grants to reach the organisations helping vulnerable people on the ground,” says the foundation’s chief executive, Rob Williamson.

Two (more) can play that game

The Money Group has come up with a unique way of helping others – it has prepared two FCA-approved directly authorised companies for brokers who have been made redundant due to Covid-19.

Director Martin Stewart says: “We made a commitment last week to attack the problem before it attacks us. If we can help just two people or a small group of like-minded brokers to get back in the saddle as soon as possible, we will.”

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