Whychus Canyon Preserve Offers Three Varied Hikes


Our first hike of 2021 was at the Whychus Canyon Preserve, a place we had never been before.  Located at the end of Goodrich Road off Cloverdale Road outside of Sisters, the preserve provides for 3 different hikes of varying difficulty and view. We took the Long Canyon Route which follows the canyon rim before dropping 300 feet in elevation into the canyon and follows the creek for 2.3 miles before climbing back to the rim. The walk on the rim travels through meadows and has a  North Sister view overlook before heading back to the trailhead. All in all, the loop is roughly 5 miles and depending on the time of year, can offer wildflowers and mountain views. The other hikes in the Whychus Canyon Preserve include the Mid Canyon Route, shorter with only 3 miles, and the Wagon Road and Meadow Loop (2.5 miles).  The Wagon Road follows a portion of the historic Santiam Wagon Road and includes interpretive signs which discuss the Santiam toll road which was the way early settlers in Oregon traveled back and forth from the Willamette Valley to Central Oregon in the 1860s. 

If you plan on hiking in the Whychus Canyon Preserve, come early as there is limited parking; off road parking is not permitted and dogs must be kept on leash.