A Court Bars Enforcement of Mortgage Due to Violation of Statute of Limitations | The Law Offices of Schlissel DeCorpo


In a case before Supreme Court Justice Debra Silber who sits in Kings County, a homeowner brought an action for a declaratory judgment. The declaratory judgment was pursuant to Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law Section 1501.4. The homeowner wanted the court to declare that the mortgage on the homeowner’s property was not enforceable. The homeowner’s claim was it was not enforceable because the six year statute of limitations had expired. The homeowner asked Judge Debra Silber to have the mortgage cancelled, discharged an struck from the records of the New York City Register

Summary Judgment

The homeowner asked the court pursuant to a summary judgment motion declaring that on the basis that there were no issues of fact disputed that a trial would not be required on the issue of the mortgage being unenforceable due to a six year statute of limitations acted as a time bar.

Acceleration of the Mortgage

Issues were raised in this case with regard to the acceleration of the mortgage and the deceleration of the mortgage. Judge Silber granted plaintiff’s application. She found that the plaintiff had shown on her papers that she was entitled to a summary judgment cancelling and discharging the mortgage on her property. The homeowner had shown that the mortgage had been accelerated on or about April 16, 2009. The homeowner commenced her action to discharge the mortgage and have it cancelled on February 10, 2018. Since more than six years had expired, the homeowner was entitled to a judgment dismissing and cancelling the mortgage of record on her property.

Elliot S. Schlissel, Esq. is a foreclosure attorney. He has been representing homeowners in foreclosure cases throughout the Metropolitan New York area for more than 30 years. Elliot and his firm actively litigates the defense of foreclosure lawsuits against homeowners. He can be reached for a free consultation at 800-344-6431 or e-mailed at [email protected].