How to keep your home secure this holiday season


There was a 7% reduction in the number of burglaries across Australia from 2016 to 2017 and the total number of burglaries in Australia in 2017 was the lowest in seven years. Despite this, over 170,000 homes were broken into in 2017.

Burglaries often take place during the day and the summer holiday season, between December and January, remains the most likely time for burglars to strike.

According to research from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, the most commonly stolen items in burglaries are those that can be disposed of easily. These include, (in order) cash, laptops, jewellery, cameras, mobile phones, wallets/handbags, ID documents (especially credit cards), TVs, computers or video game consoles, watches, credit cards, video/DVD players, power tools and stereo/audio equipment.

Thankfully there are several things you can do to keep these items – and your home – safer, not only during summer but all year round. Here are our top tips:

1. Secure your home whenever you leave

Burglars prefer operating in areas they know well and have operated in before. They also tend to choose areas based on factors like lack of street activity. When targeting a property, burglars look at how many valuables might be on display and if spare keys to the property are hidden carelessly or in obvious places.

2. Invest in deterrents

Around 61.4% of burglars surveyed as part of the DUMA program said that a noisy dog would deter them from attempting a break-in. But if you don’t have a dog, don’t fear.

3. Maintain your home while on holidays

A home that appears vacant is more attractive to burglars, but there are several things you can do to make your home appear lived in.

4. Upgrade your home’s lighting

A dark house day in and day out can look vacant and encourage intruders.

5. Protect your home with insurance

Even with all these steps, it is difficult to predict whether a burglar will be deterred or not. Should your home be broken in to the last thing you want to worry about is whether your insurance is adequate.

  • Read the Product Disclosure Statement to know what you are covered for and what terms, conditions and limitations apply to your policy.
  • Before you go away, check the conditions of your policy. If your home will be unoccupied for an extended period you may need to contact your insurer.
  • After Christmas, be sure to review your home and contents insurance in case any new items need to be added to your policy or you need to increase your sum insured.
  • Finally, keep your receipts and valuations in a safe place and be sure to take photographs of valuable items such as jewellery, watches and electronic devices which will help should you need to make a claim.

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