Fintel appoints Miller as board consultant Mortgage Finance Gazette


SimplyBiz-owner Fintel has hired former Iress executive general manager Dave Miller as a board consultant to “strengthen” its mortgage and protection software, sourcing, and commercial operations.   


The Aim-listed financial services and consultancy says Miller’s “remit will include helping to develop the next phase of propositions in the core mortgage and protection market for Fintel and its clients”.  

It adds that he will work across the group’s key brands, SimplyBiz, Fintel IQ and broker support services firm threesixty.  

Miller spent over 13 years at Iress, and has also held senior roles at Avelo, where he worked for eight years, leaving as head of provider relationships.  

Earlier this month, Fintel completed the acquisition of threesixty from abrdn for £14.6m in cash.   

Threesixty clients include more than 900 independent financial advisers and fund management firms as well as 10,000 advisers.  

Threesixty is the eighth business acquired by Fintel over the past year, joining AKG, VouchedFor, Competent Adviser, Micap, Synaptic, Owen James, and ifaDASH.    

Fintel joint chief executive Neil Stevens (pictured) says: “I believe Dave can bring his significant experience and innovative ideas in the mortgage and protection sourcing and software space to our commercial offerings, and ensure we are leading the sector and delivering the most joined-up and valuable services to our clients.    

“Dave has over four decades of experience in the mortgage and protection software and sourcing sector, particularly developing market-leading fintech.”  

Miller adds: “Mortgages and protection are vital and growing business areas, and I’m committed to helping Fintel deliver the integrated solutions that will enable advisers to streamline their processes, enhance their capacity, and – ultimately – provide the best outcomes to even more consumers.”