TMG organises online quiz for kids | Mortgage Introducer


The quiz will have three age categories and the winner of each will receive a £50 Amazon voucher with the same amount being donated to the pupil’s school.

Furthermore, the event will not be live, and the questions will be available for people to log in to and complete over a 48-hour period.

The Money Group intend to continue to the quizzes for as long as people enjoy them.

To enter, contact Scott Thorpe, director of The Money Group, who will provide individuals with a link.

Thorpe said: “In this new lockdown we noticed quite quickly that people were struggling with juggling the pressures of work and home schooling.

“We started a weekly football quiz in the last lockdown and we had great engagement from brokers who said it became something to look forward to and help break up their week.

“We thought that there was an obvious angle whereby we could now help the children of financial services workers in the same way.

“As a father of two young children, I know all too well the pressures that many of the parents are under right now.

“If we can help lighten the mood with a fun quiz for all age groups, then we wanted to try and do our bit.”