Yomdel founder Andy Soloman announces retirement | Mortgage Strategy


Yomdel founder and chief executive Andy Soloman has announced his retirement.

The man behind he 24/7 mortgage live chat provider will still work as a brand ambassador for the firm but, he says, will make time to follow his other interests – travel, photography, and writing.

Soloman founded Yomdel in 2012 for small- and medium- sized enterprises. It now serves 3,8000 estate agents, handling two million live chats each year.

Chief operating officer Tim Breden will take the reins of the business.

Soloman comments: “Yomdel is tattooed in my DNA. It’s been a roller coaster of a journey from the beginning when I launched Yomdel with just me and three live chat operators, to the slick, technologically advanced business that Yomdel is today.

“But with Brief Your Market acquiring the us in March, loads of investment in innovation and development together with an amazing team, the time is right for me to hand over the reins.

“I have loved every minute – even when sometimes there were tears before bedtime – and even now I am not completely disappearing. I will remain as an active Yomdel ambassador and advisor to the business and our clients, I want to be able to help whenever I can.”

He continues: “It is the people that have made Yomdel so special to me, whether it is my long suffering and brilliant business partner Tim Breden, the amazing Yomdel and Brief Your Market staff or our incredible clients and partners. And to you all I say thank you.”

Breden adds: “Whilst it’s going to be strange not having Andy around day-to-day we’re pleased he’s still connected to the business in his ambassadorial role”.

“Yomdel is Andy’s brainchild and he’s been with the business every step of the way and central to its success. Like us, Andy is rightly proud of what we’ve achieved. The challenge for us now is to take the business forward, to innovate, consistently improve and exceed our clients expectations.

“Our primary focus will be product development, using technological advancements and data to help our clients accelerate growth.”

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