Tenet Compliance Services teams up with Legal & General Mortgage Club | Mortgage Strategy


Tenet Compliance Services (TCS) has partnered with Legal & General Mortgage Club to strengthen its support for directly authorised advisers.

Legal & General Mortgage Club’s clients will be able to use Tenet’s free mortgage tools to find data on providers, including criteria, affordability and suitable product examples.

Meanwhile, TCS advisers will benefit from professional support from relationship management and mortgage support services teams.

In addition, advisers will have access to the lender panel and trusted referral partners as well as access to the mortgage platform Smartr365.

Legal & General Mortgage Club head of broker and propositions Clare Beardmore says: “Our decision to partner with Tenet Compliance Services directly aligns to this principle. We are confident that today’s partnership will streamline day-to-day business for TCS client firms, ultimately delivering even better outcomes for customers.”

Tenet Compliance Services managing director Warren Vickers adds: “This partnership with Legal & General fits perfectly with our commitment to providing advisers and their clients with the very best tools, information, and support they need to move forward with confidence and make the most informed decisions.”

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