Want to be a Savvy Saver? Come to Budget BootCamp!


25 Jun Want to be a Savvy Saver? Come to Budget BootCamp!

Many Australian families ask the same question….

“Where does my money go?” If this is you, then you’re not alone. Many people find the sheer thought of finance and budgeting stressful and decide to bury their heads in the sand!

We’ve teamed up with our local Savvy Saver mum Terri Watson from The Healthy Wallet Project and Luke Grundy, a budgeting specialist and financial planner from Humblebee Financial Planning to do the first of a series of events aimed at helping Australian families become more financially literate.

The first Budget Boot Camp is 7th August at The Local’s Porter, Kinross, tickets are $5 with all proceeds going to Kinross Primary School. Get your tickets here: Budget Boot Camp