Nationwide and TMW to launch broker forum | Mortgage Introducer


The platform will allow brokers to provide feedback and suggestions to help the society and TMW provide the best possible service.

This will be an online community of brokers from across the market, aiming to improve the broker experience with Nationwide and TMW by using qualitative and quantitative research to gather feedback on products, services and communications.

There will also be an opportunity for brokers to offer their thoughts on wider topics, such as the mortgage and intermediary markets.

The panel is being launched via a three-month pilot, with invitation emails being sent out this week to brokers who are registered with Nationwide and TMW.

According to Nationwide, it is likely to become a permanent feature depending on level of broker engagement during the initial trial period.

Any feedback and suggestions received will be taken on board and the society and TMW will ensure that brokers are aware of how it is using that feedback to improve its service.

Ian Andrew, director of intermediary relationships at Nationwide, said: “We remain as committed as ever to the intermediary market, with the service level we provide continuing to be our number one focus.

“Although we always strive to provide the best possible service, there is always room to improve.

“That is why we are launching our Broker Connect Panel because, by hearing the views and experiences of a wide range of brokers, we can continue to put them at the heart of what we do.

“However, it’s important we hear as many voices as possible from across the industry, which is why we encourage as many brokers as possible to sign up.”