Want to Convert More Leads? Accountability is Key


Having a clear, inspiring purpose and executing on that purpose every day is essentially what creates job satisfaction. Job satisfaction means more productive, happy agents, and more happy clients. In a real estate business, when a team has a clear purpose, roles are defined effectively, and measures are put in place to keep everyone on the same page, conversion numbers will rise. But, creating a culture in your company that drives everyone to do what they’re supposed to do, happily, can take some work.

Step 1: Start with Clear Goals

The fastest way to unravel accountability measures is to not clearly define what goals you want your team members to work towards. This should take some serious thought and reflect the unique purpose of each role. Do you have a strong business plan in place? If not, it might be time to take a step back and define your company plans as a whole, then work backwards in defining how each role supports that plan and what goals your agents and team members should have in place.

While you have an overall company business plan, take some time to create a business plan for yourself and team members. These plans, and corresponding goals for your real estate team, will serve as the backbone of your culture of accountability. If you or a member of your team falls short of a goal, it’s much easier to pivot and address problems if you have a strong foundation in place.

[Start with Tom Ferry’s Free Business Plan Here!]

Step 2: Track and Measure Performance

Alright, you’ve got the goals, now it’s time to maximize everyone’s time. But what’s the best way to go about measuring performance and following up with those that aren’t keeping up?

“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.” – Charles A. Coonradt

From activity reports to an intelligent CRM with accountability tracking, it’s critical to have a strong system in place to help you track and measure team performance. Begin by placing your business plans in an easily accessible place where everyone can monitor and manage their goals.When it comes to daily, weekly and monthly steps, you need a system that works for the entire team.

BoomTown’s Accountability Dashboard gives you a bird’s-eye view of your entire business. Real-time reporting allows you to track your team’s progress to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

BoomTown’s Accountability Dashboards

You can drill down to response times for new leads, track outgoing calls and email campaigns, and create comparisons to help you see overall team performance. This makes it simple to see exactly where things are working and what or who might need some improvement. When you can be proactive about these types of situations, leads don’t fall through the cracks, and conversion rates improve dramatically.

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Step 4: Keep Your Team in the Game

Figuring out what motivates your agent first, and then deciding what type of accountability practices you should enable is key. Some team members may respond better to more frequent check-ins, while others do better with more autonomous time to complete tasks.

This really does come down to the specific team member, but remember, accountability is all in the approach.

And how about some friendly competition? Even something as simple as writing everyone’s numbers on a whiteboard can motivate team members to work harder. Making goals visible sets expectations and holds people accountable to those expectations. The element of friendly competition increases personal motivation while also improving team communication. Whether it’s in the form of lighthearted smack talk, challenging each other to do better, or confronting issues, motivated agents under a culture of accountability contribute to building a higher performing team.

“On top performing teams, peers immediately and respectfully confront one another when problems arise. Not only does this drive greater innovation, trust, and productivity, but also it frees the boss from being the playground monitor.”

– Harvard Business Review


By rewarding strengths and providing constructive feedback in weaker areas, agents will start to view accountability as something that increases their productivity, fosters a better company culture, and pushes them to reach their full potential.

Step 5: Lead by Example

Creating a true culture of accountability can only be achieved through strong leadership. Perhaps you struggle with taking a step back from your day-to-day to manage and regulate agent accountability. Or perhaps you don’t know how to hold yourself accountable to your own goals and strategies. Either way, practice makes perfect, and demonstrating that you are holding yourself to a standard of accountability is critical to motivating your team to do the same.

It’s difficult to achieve a healthy balance in your business, but many have walked this path before, and you need to be the leader of not only your business, but also a model of accountability if you are going to ask others to do the same. Once you have the right mentality, a strong plan, and the right tools to power your strategy, your team will be aligned and accountable, and conversion rates will rise.