At Home Hobbies - CompassBlog


In this season of life, you might be finding yourself with a little bit more spare time than usual. During the shut-down, people were able to spend time in a state of curiosity and creativity. And although many places are reopening (and we are glad about that), we believe there is still an opportunity to utilize this time to develop and discover new hobbies! We have created a list of hobbies below that might just end up becoming your new go-to!


Watching MasterChef has the tendency to inspire the little cook inside of all of us, so why not take the time to learn the skill? Cooking doesn’t have to be scary; it can start off with making homemade guacamole, to learning how to make that dish that’s been passed down for generations. The multitude of recipes are right at your Pinterest happy fingertips as well as videos for a more engaging step-by-step process. So get cooking!

Interior Design

If there is one thing staying at home has brought up, it’s the need to change our space. So why not take this as an opportunity to explore your talents for interior design! With a little inspiration and a few magazines for reference, you can begin to cultivate a fresh space you’ll be sure to love. Click here to check out some free interior design courses.

Pick up an Instrument

You know that old guitar you bought all those years ago that’s been collecting dust, or the piano that’s been sitting unused in the corner of your living room? You may have always thought you’d learn them, but there’s no rules saying that you can’t today! Sit down with them, look up some YouTube tutorials, and most all have fun. Learning and playing an instrument is a great outlet for many and it just might work for you.


Photography is one of the best ways to capture the beauties in the ordinary. It is known for being a modern art and you might just have the eye for it. If you don’t have the camera or equipment, you can start by using your phone and trying out different shots. If you decide it might be the hobby for you, you may decide to take a shot at investing in it. Here are some helpful tips if you’re just starting out.


Nothing like spending some time in the peaceful outdoors! If you like working with your hands, and don’t mind getting your them a little dirty (literally), then gardening is made for you! The look and smell of the plants and flowers is an added plus.

Whatever hobby you invest in, we hope that it brings you joy during these times!