Parks Reopen In Palm Beach County


Earlier this week, Governor DeSantis announced a slow plan to reopen the state of Florida and Palm Beach County.  It was announced on Monday by the Palm Beach County Mayor and County Commissioners that some recreational facilities may reopen as of yesterday with restrictions to prevent the further spread of Covid-19.  

Yesterday, Wednesday, April 29th, many recreational facilities in Palm Beach County after being closed for the past few weeks due to Covid-19.  Many parks in Palm Beach County reopened yesterday but not all. 

Restrictions for visiting parks include:

  • Park hours limited to sunrise to sunset
  • Park is open for walking, biking, hiking, strolling, and running. Fishing, kayaking, canoeing, bike rentals, water skiing, wake boarding are also permitted as long as social distance is practiced.
  • All playgrounds, picnic areas, concession stands, camp grounds, dog parks, field sports, skate parks, organized sports, gymnasiums, aquatic splash zones, fitness areas, recreational buildings must remain closed. 
  • Basketball courts in county parks are opened for individual practice only. Only three players per half court are allowed and no competitive team games are permitted at this time. 
  • DuBois Park and Phil Foster Park are considered beach parks and they will remain closed until further notice.  However the boat ramp at Phil Foster Park will be open for use.