Twenty7Tec: Searches busier in December 2021 - Mortgage Introducer


This is despite just one day of the month (7 December) making it into the top 50 busiest days for searches in 2021.

Remortgages made up 42.3% of searches during the month with purchases accounting for 57.7%.

While first-time buyer (FTB) searched continued to drop as a percentage of all mortgage searches, declining to 17.97%, which was second only to November 2021 for the lowest FTB proportion in the past 20 months.

There were fewer 95%+ loan-to-value (LTV) mortgage searches in December (23,316) than there were in the single week ending 19 April 2021, and there were fewer property searches (109,459) under £150,000 in December 2021 than at any time since April 2020.

At year end, there were 16,923 products available on Twenty7Tec’s systems, a rise of 74.6% on December 31 2020.

And 12 December saw the highest daily average household income for mortgage searches this year at £63,349.

Looking to annual findings, product availability was up 74.2% on, mortgage searches were up 19.72%, ESIS documents were up 48.16% and FTB searches were up 32.51% comparing 2020 and 2021.

James Tucker, founder of Twenty7Tec, said: “We made it! 2021 was a year that we will talk about for many years to come in our industry.

“It had everything from the highest volumes we’ve ever seen to a sense that everything has changed, fundamentally and for good, in how we support customers in searching, applying for and ultimately obtaining a mortgage.

“Congratulations on making it through such a tumultuous year, look out for our Future Demands report due early in January 2022!”