IPTF will launch awareness campaign to boost IP sales | Mortgage Strategy


The Income Protection Task Force has announced it will launch an awareness campaign in September, to help boost income protection sales.

Income Protection Awareness Week – running from 20-24 September – will help support advisers to have more IP conversations with new and existing clients.

It will comprise a series of live online events, including a range of content such as live panel discussions, case studies, useful tools and tips and shareable material.

Areas of focus will include quantifying the size of the opportunity, IP sales tips for advisers, and the latest updates on underwriting and claims.

IPTF co-chair Jo Miller said the drop off in income protection sales in 2020 was “disappointing”, but “perhaps understandable” in the context of a pandemic.

“The need to protect incomes in the face of unexpected events has never been easier to demonstrate to clients and we believe that it is vital that we seize the opportunity we have now and share expertise and views on the best way to get the message out to customers,” she said.

Co-chair Katie Crook-Davies added: “The time to act is now and we hope that this week, dedicated to income protection, will provide a refreshed outlook and new energy around income protection.

“Our aim is that the campaign will encourage everyone in the industry to think about what they can do to sell more income protection and give advisers the tools they need to put ideas into action.”

The campaign will use the hashtag #LetsTalkIP. All events will be free to view and the IPTF will be releasing more details in the run up to the event.

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