Holidays on Worth Avenue Palm Beach


World renowned Worth Avenue located on Palm Beach island is sparkling with holiday activity! The shopping mecca is just three blocks from the Atlantic Ocean to the Intracoastal Waterway and is truly an amazing experience not to be missed. Each year at this time, a glorious Christmas Tree Lighting events takes place for the holiday season.

The Tree Lighting was held virtually this year with no public gathering in concern for the health and safety of visitors.

In lieu of the Tree Lighting Ceremony and Parade, stay tuned for their calendar of events featuring Santa Sightings and festive activities along Worth Avenue bringing warmth into the Holiday Season!

Santa Sightings are anticipated for December 11th, 17th and 23rd between the hours of 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM. This is a perfect opportunity for kids of all ages to see Santa. All are welcome, both young and young at heart.