Norwich couple find keys dropped from space - Mortgage Introducer


The keys were found on 20 January on Low Road in Drayton, Norwich by the couple, who had been following the keys’ live-streamed journey through the atmosphere.

GoodMove ran the initiative after discovering that 47% of Brits find it impossible to save for a house deposit on their own, and 27% take between five to 10 years to save up.

Nima Ghasri, director at GoodMove, said: “We know that the property market is especially volatile right now, and many Brits struggle to get their foot on the property ladder and buy their dream home.

“We really wanted to help anyone in this situation, but in a fun and exciting way and we’re thrilled that the keys were found.

“Purchasing a home is a stressful time for many, so we hope the money towards the deposit will help to alleviate any money-related concerns they may have and help them on their way to purchasing their dream home.”