Bend Premier Real Estate Welcomes Chelsea Ortega


Chelsea Will Join Her Mother Sherry as Part of the Ortega Family Network

Real Estate runs in Chelsea's blood with her mother having been an active real estate agent for over 30 years. It is natural that Chelsea would step into the business as part of the Ortega Family Network which has connections in Santa Barbara, California and Maui, Hawaii. Chelsea brings a global perspective to the family real estate network having lived in SE Asia and Australia, teaching yoga and traveling different parts of the world. Living and working in other countries has enabled Chelsea to recognize that housing is such an important need to people around the world and to appreciate and enjoy the excitement of helping clients find a home the fits their lifestyle.

Chelsea was raised in Bend and graduated from Summit High School.  She knows the community and can guide clients into a home that works for their finances as well as their dreams. When not working with buyers and sellers, she can be found at Groove Yoga, down at the river wave or up at Good Dog Park with her golden, Bali.