The Path appoints Joanna Coull as adviser | Mortgage Introducer


Coull is one of relatively few female financial advisers in what is traditionally a male-dominated industry; it is generally estimated that only around 11% of financial advisers in the UK are female.

Coull previously worked for independent financial advisers Chiltern Consultancy.

While there, she set up the Chiltern Women in Business group to improve financial resilience for women, and as a networking group for those interested in green and sustainable issues.

Coull said: “I’m over the moon to be joining The Path.

“In my view, there is no point talking to clients about future growth with no thought about the negative impacts some investments are having on the planet and the people on it.

“You can recycle, buy organic and ditch the car for a bike but the biggest difference you can make to the planet is looking at where you invest your pensions and savings.

“I have a huge interest in this issue of how we build back better for the future so it makes sense for me to join The Path where that is their whole focus – everything they invest in is designed to help tackle climate change in some way.”

David Macdonald, founder of The Path, said: “Joanna’s appointment is one example of how The Path is growing in size, market dominance and credibility.

“She will add to the strength, depth, and diversity to our growing team and I am excited for her to join in our mission to tackle the climate crisis and build back better in a post-coronavirus era.

“With the superior investment returns we are seeing across our all-impact portfolios, it is little wonder that more environmentally-conscious advisers are beating a path, to The Path.”