Bluestone resumes mortgage lending | Mortgage Introducer


The specialist lender will initially be offering its ‘Clear’ credit category across both of its residential and buy-to-let product ranges.

Bluestone will be using automated valuation models (AVMs) and desktop valuations with loans available up to 75% Loan-to-Value (LTV).

Steve Seal, managing director at Bluestone Mortgages, said: “We are really pleased to be back and ‘open for business’ and have had strong support from our funders and the valuation industry in adapting to the current market.

“As we kickstart activity over the coming weeks, our focus will be on supporting brokers who have existing pipeline applications that can now progress, and on delivering strong service levels to brokers submitting new customer applications.

“Bluestone will continue to follow the government guidelines as the emergency resolves, and we hope to update the market with further announcements in the coming weeks.”

Bluestone’s support services will remain open for existing customers and ongoing applications will continue to be underwritten and assessed during this period. More details on further product announcements will be made over the coming weeks.