Overseas buyers' interest in UK housing market rising | Mortgage Strategy


‘Visa’ was the most searched term by brokers in April, shows data provided by Legal & General’s SmartrCriteria tool.

This is the second month in a row that Visa has topped this chart, with search volumes falling by only 4% on a monthly basis.

Visa was also the most searched term overall in 2021 and in 2020, according to Legal & General in a report released in January this year.

The firm also notes a “surge” in searches for self-employed borrowers, with searches using average or the latest years’ accounts shooting up by 64% on a monthly basis, while searches using account evidence or multiple years’ worth of accounts overtook this, going up by 80%.

Meanwhile, searches for self-employed sole-traders increased by 43%.

Searches that incorporate environmental criteria also rose, by 24%, although this was “from a low base”, Legal & General says.

Legal & General Mortgage Club director Kevin Roberts says: “Today’s findings are another reminder of the resilience of the UK property market.

“Despite wider economic pressure, demand so far has remained steady, and in some areas of the market is even rising.”

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