June Is National Homeownership Month Get Involved! | Mortgage Investors Group


June Is National Homeownership Month – Get Involved!

Celebrate your homeownership in June during National Homeownership Month. There are many ways to commemorate what being a homeowner means to you. Whether you’re settled into your forever home, looking for your first home, upgrading to accommodate your growing family, or downsizing as part of your retirement plans, there are some fun and thoughtful ways to observe this month.

Freshen Up Your Yard

There’s a lot to be said for attractive curb appeal. Make sure your home has it. Store items scattered about your front yard, rake your leaves, pull your weeds, and trim your trees and bushes. Purchase some flowers at your local nursery and plant them around your mailbox, trees, and in front of your windows. Your house will look like it’s spent a weekend at a relaxing spa once you’re finished with your handiwork.

Personalize Your Door

Announce your homeownership to the world with a wooden sign sporting your last name or a monogram decoration hanging on your front door. You may even want to order a door mat with your last name on it as a greeting to your guests.

Welcome Your New Neighbors

Once upon a time, everyone knew their neighbors. Do your part to continue this tradition with the newest folks in your ‘hood by rolling out the welcome mat. Put together a basket of goodies for the new arrivals. If your budget is tight, make some cookies and add a list of your favorite restaurants, shopping places nearby, and your favorite repair people. Introduce yourself and your family, and welcome them to the area.

Keep It Safe

Your home is likely one of your biggest investments, so take some steps to protect it. Replace your door locks with sturdier options and add some cameras to all your outside doors. You can find some fairly inexpensive ones online. Sync them up to your smart device, so you can monitor who is around your house, and who’s knocking on your door. Take this time to change outside light bulbs and add motion sensors to further deter intruders. Inside, check your smoke detectors and add fresh batteries, make sure your fire extinguisher is still in working order, and run through a fire drill with your family.

Commit to Energy-Efficiency

The best homeowner is a responsible homeowner. June is a great time to reduce how much energy you use by adding some efficiency tools. Start with energy-saving light bulbs in and outside. Invest in a thermostat you can pre-set to turn down the heating and air when there’s nobody home. Add solar-powered lighting around your porch and down your driveway. Replace your home’s air filters and seal your doors and windows to keep air from escaping.

Now that your home is shaped up, concentrate on broadening the appeal of your surroundings.

Clean Up Your Neighborhood

Put signs up to schedule a cleanup day for your block. Start early to avoid the heat. Pick up garbage that has accumulated around the road. Find a helper with a truck who can offer to haul off eyesores that have been languishing on neighbors’ yards. Offer to fix up everyone’s mailbox and add large house numbers on them. With the owner’s permission, trim trees that have grown out over the roads. Tackle common areas like playgrounds and make sure they are free of debris and in good repair. This action benefits you by improving your surroundings, and, hopefully, you’ll get to know your neighbors better in the process.

Donate Your Time

Be grateful that you have achieved the American dream of homeownership by helping others do the same. Find local nonprofits where you can make a difference. For example, Habitat for Humanity can always use an extra pair of hands. Donate your used furniture to help a less fortunate person furnish their home. Or, if you’re handy, assist an ill or elderly neighbor in improving their yard or upgrading their interior. Giving back is a wonderful way to honor National Homeownership Month and makes you feel good, too.

Tell Your Homebuying Story

This one is especially helpful if you’re a newer homeowner. Show your real estate agent and your mortgage originator your gratitude by writing them a testimonial. Share your individual story, the obstacles you encountered on your homeownership path, and how they addressed them to get you into your house. Testimonials are powerful tools to assist in their business because they help ease the minds of the new people who are working with them in realizing their dream.

National Homeownership Month is a perfect time to improve your home, showcase your ability to be a good neighbor, and acknowledge those who were instrumental in you finding and buying your home. Enjoy!

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