NatWest to reintroduce 90% LTV mortgages | Mortgage Strategy


NatWest says its service levels are improving and it is now ready to resume 90 per cent loan-to-value residential purchase mortgages.

Details of the new products have not yet been announced but will be available from 16 December, when the products launch.

The new products do not apply to new build properties but NatWest will allow porting with additional borrowing up to 90 per cent LTV for customers buying a new property.

NatWest will lend to customers who have taken a payment holiday and restarted their monthly payments.

But borrowers must be able to show evidence that the first full scheduled monthly payment on their current mortgage and other financial commitments, such as loans and utilities, have been made.

NatWest is urging brokers to check that customers’ mortgage applications meet the 90 per cent LTV criteria before submitting, as a credit score will be generated, even if the case cannot proceed.

The bank says that if a customer already has a lower LTV application with it and wants to change to a 90 per cent product, a new application will need to be submitted. This will result in another full underwrite and credit score.

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