How to Stay Motivated to Stay in Shape During the Coronavirus


While we can all finally see light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel, it still may be several weeks before gyms open back up in South Florida and around the country. Staying in shape is still both possible and important. Many people have adapted their fitness routines during this time to feature more cardio and less weightlifting. Generally, this is a good strategy. The problem, however, may be motivation. If you are bored with cardio and are starting to lack the motivation to exercise, here are a few things you can do to relight your fire until finally open back up.

Set New Goals

With our lives upended, many of our pre-coronavirus fitness goals no longer make sense. If that’s your situation, select a new goal that accounts for your circumstances and priorities. The more meaningful your target, the more committed you’ll be to it, so choose wisely.

Stay Accountable

Once you select a goal, being accountable, even if only to yourself, can help you achieve it. Keep a simple chart on your phone or your fridge where you can check a box for every day you work out. Friends and family members can also help you stay on track. If you live in a part of the country where it’s allowed.

Look Forward

If you’re feeling too tired to exercise, focus not on how low you feel now but on how energized you’ll be when you’re done, or how you might feel if you skip it. A body at rest wants to stay at rest, and a body in movement wants to stay moving. Changing clothes and starting can be the biggest hurdles. The promise of a post-workout treat can also entice you to lace up your tennis shoes. A reward might be a dessert or a meal you’ve been looking forward to or anything else you enjoy, such as a show, a hot bath or a scented candle.