Twenty7Tec: Mortgage searches spike again | Mortgage Introducer


Twenty7Tec believe this shows that the ‘lull’ of week one seems to be over and searches have spiked again.

Data collected last week by Twenty7Tec outlined that the number of mortgage searches had dropped to its lowest level in six years.

Over the first week of January the average number of mortgage searches is around 75%, however, this dropped to 67.43% in the first week of 2021.

Phil Bailey, sales director at Twenty7Tec, said: “As we predicted a few days ago, lockdown 3.0 and the New Year period merely meant some pent up demand.

“Yesterday was the fifth highest day for search activity on our platform and was at 98.13% of our highest day ever – 25th August 2020.

“My gut instinct tells me that people have now priced in the end of stamp duty.

“When it comes back at the end of March, it is what it is.

“People are clearly not going to let it get in the way of their need to move home.”