Leads vs relationships


Many real estate teams attract new team members by offering them "leads" that are purchased from websites like Zillow and Realtor.com. Online leads can be attractive to agents because they offer the promise of a guaranteed income as soon as they join the team. 

But online leads do come with two big downsides. 

The first big downside is that online leads tend to be very expensive -- usually costing a few thousand dollars per transaction. The second big downside is that online leads often end up being low-trust/low-loyalty clients -- due to the simple fact that they've been purchased rather than cultivated through an existing relationship. 

There is an alternative, and that is the MCDH model of cultivating positive relationships and serving clients as a team. Within our team model, we have the unique ability to offer each agent an opportunity to serve clients who already know us, like us, and trust us. 

All that we ask of you is that you have your own plan for cultivating positive relationships in the community. When every agent on the team adopts this approach, we all flourish as individuals as the team becomes healthier and stronger over the long run. 

Contact Dan if you're curious what this approach could look like for you. We're always up for meeting the next great fit for our team.