Blazing a Path ... Raising the Bar - Mortgage Women Magazine


by Janice Gilbreath, featuring Sharon Moore

In reflecting on the past, I’m amazed by the progress our mortgage industry has made in the last 30 years. Also the doors that have opened for the wonderful and talented women in our great profession.

The definition of a TRAILBLAZER is the first person to do something or go somewhere, a person who shows that it is also possible for others. A trailblazer is a person that is a leader in a particular field that goes into unexplored territory.

This is certainly true of women in the mortgage business that have broken the glass ceiling. I started out as a Mortgage Broker and served as the first woman President of Alabama Mortgage Brokers Association. This opened many doors to serve on committees and represent Alabama many years on the National Association of Mortgage Brokers Delegate Council. Through my connections I met Dick Payne, President of Ivy Financial, which led to 14 years as a wholesale account executive.

My years at Sebring Capital out of Dallas, Texas led to meeting two of my mentors in this industry, Tracey Pritchett and Tracy Hanson. These ladies let me into their lives and taught me wholesale lending. Soon I was a top producer just like them and was the first person at Sebring to reach 1,000 loans.

Tracey and Tracy are still my mentors and best friends after 25 years. I have always had help from men and women in this business. But I have found having a tribe to be in your corner helps to keep your focus and warn you of any pitfalls.

Since the implosion of 2008, my son, Zack Gilbreath, has been my partner in mortgage banking. We wanted to build branches and recruit others that are looking for a place to grow their business. I’ve been blessed by a very successful career thanks to my wonderful husband of 47 years, family, friends, and mentors that have supported me to blaze the open trail.

Think of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s quote, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

My words are to encourage you to leave your own path. There are new heights and many glass ceilings to be broken. May YOU be the one to lead the way, cutting out a trail for those who come after. I hope you will be a Trailblazer too!

Here are the words of one of the wisest women I know in the mortgage business, Sharon Moore. May you be inspired by Sharon’s words of wisdom and encouragement.


Discipline to Grow

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the past few articles in Mortgage Women

Magazine, especially the trailblazing features and pieces on contemplating the future in the mortgage industry. As we all look toward an uncertain future, one key area where I counsel my clients to focus is continual growth…as leaders, as salespeople, as parents, as spouses and as women.

So how do we achieve this growth? There are three critical questions I ask when I’m advising someone on their personal development:

  1. How much time do you allocate every day to spend on your personal growth?
  2. In the last 90 days, how many books/podcasts have your read or listened to and how many conferences have you participated in?
  3. How often do you write down and review your purpose and your goals?

Growth requires discipline. And, success in our industry requires discipline, too! Do you want to be in (or stay in) the top 10% of people in your industry? You guessed it: Discipline!

Discipline is remembering what you want. It’s not hitting your snooze button on your alarm in the morning, making your first choice of the day to delay something. Discipline is getting up an hour earlier than you need to in order to focus and set your priorities for the day. Discipline is writing down your goals and reflecting back on them. Discipline is holding yourself accountable. Discipline is reading, listening to podcasts, participating in webinars and doing something that pushes you out of your comfort zone.

One of my favorite quotes is by Neale Donald Walsch, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” We must do something every day that requires us to get out of our comfort zone.

As an Accountability Coach, I urge you to make a list of all the things you need to do to move outside of your comfort zone. Then, prioritize them by starting with the one you least want to do. That’s right, put that one FIRST on your list. In Brian Tracy’s bestselling book, “Eat That Frog”,  he tells you just how to do that. If you haven’t read it, you should!

Other books you can utilize for growth and discipline include:

  • “The 10X Rule,” where Grant Cardone tells you how to be 10 times better than the rest
  • “The Most Powerful Woman in the Room,“ where Lydia Fenet talks you
  • through confidence building
  • “Girl Wash Your Face,” where Rachael Hollis gives you a roadmap to take action
  • “Chase the Lion, “ where Mark Patterson challenges you to overcome obstacles
  • “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind,“ by Joseph Murphy Ph.D. who shows you how to uncover the hidden power to achieve any goal you have.

But, when I’m asked to choose only one book to foster growth, discipline and self-improvement, my immediate reply is “The Psychology of Sales,” by Brian Tracy. It’s a true classic, and I use it in every class I teach. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling. This book is a written guide on how to be the best!

By the time you read this article, there will only be a few weeks left in 2019. Make every minute count! I am challenging you to build your reading/listening list, write down and prioritize your goals, exercise discipline, and check yourself daily/weekly to keep score. You must know your numbers to put the score on the board. And that’s how you can continually achieve growth. Let me know if I can help!


Janice Gilbreath has been in the Mortgage business for 30 years. She has been a Mortgage Broker, wholesale account executive, Vice President of wholesale lending firm, Regional Manager, Corporate Recruiter. Janice takes great joy in helping people grow their business and realize their dreams.

Sharon Moore

Sharon Moore is a certified John Maxwell Coach specializing in accountability coaching for MLOs. She has served in every capacity in the field of consumer finance, from customer service rep to CEO. Her passion is helping people to see and achieve all their potential.


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