Why use an Aussie Broker? A first home buyer explains


Looking back over the home buying experience, Melbourne-based Angelo admits, “We knew nothing when we first started out. We’d done some online research and spoken to friends about buying a first home but it was all pretty overwhelming and we soon found ourselves suffering from analysis paralysis.”

In what seemed a logical first step, Angelo approached his bank about a home loan. But he found the experience disappointing.

“There just didn’t seem to be a huge focus on customer service,” he recalls.

Meeting with an Aussie Broker proves pivotal

The turning point came when a friend recommended Aussie.

“Our Aussie Broker was really good,” says Angelo. “He spent over an hour and a half with us at that first meeting alone, taking the time to answer all our questions, decode all the legal jargon and giving us valuable information on different loan structures and explaining how things like offset accounts work.”

Angelo adds, “Our broker really spelled things out. He taught us which questions to ask and to always do our due diligence about any home we were interested in buying.”

Bridging the expectation gap

For Angelo, one of the big pluses of seeing an Aussie Broker, was gaining a clear understanding of his borrowing power.

“It’s fair to say there was a massive gap between what we thought we’d be able to buy, and how much we were actually able to borrow. It was a pretty steep learning curve but after speaking with our broker we were a lot more confident about buying a first home,” says Angelo.

Angelo’s broker helped arrange home loan pre-approval, and with the money side of home buying sorted out, the couple were able to focus on properties within their buying budget. “It saved us a lot of time, and sure enough we found a place we love.”

Why use an Aussie Broker

Angelo’s broker not only proved to be a valuable mentor throughout the home loan process, he has continued to stay in touch long after the loan settled. In fact, Angelo says, “I always feel comfortable contacting my Aussie Broker – I have no hesitation reaching out to him.”

So what does Angelo believe is the Aussie difference? “For me, impartiality is the key thing Aussie brings to the table. Our broker genuinely put our needs first while explaining the different home loan options offered by a range of lenders.

“Most importantly, he simplified a complex process and left us feeling secure in the decisions we made,” adds Angelo. “And it turns out, buying a home is one of the best decisions I have ever made.”

For expert mortgage advice on how to buy your first home, set a date for a free appointment with your local Aussie Broker.