#HOMEHacks | Important Things to Remember When Moving | HOME Real Estate Blog



Hooray! You sold your house! With this hot seller’s market we are in, you may have sold your home quicker than you expected! Now is the time to start thinking about your move.

Transfer Your Bills!

It’s important to think ahead about utilities and other expenses. Too often movers wind up in a new home and end up being charged multiple bills. Without question, one of the first things on your list should be to call ahead and get this information transferred.

Measuring is Important

Before you start packing, break out the measuring tape. Measure your couch, your bed frame, mattress and other large items. Don’t forget about the doorways and spaces in which you plan on putting your furniture. Don’t let moving day be impeded by the inability to fit your favorite recliner through the front door. While this may seem like a no-brainer, it is easy to put this on the back burner or neglect it entirely.

The Packing Process

When it comes to the actual packing process, it is easy to become stressed and anxious. The number of items that need to be packed is often more than you think and this fact alone can be quite overwhelming. The key to avoiding this sort of stress is to be extremely organized in all aspects of your packing process.

First, consider what sort of packing materials you will need. While cardboard boxes are the standard moving material, they can also be quite expensive. Alternative materials (such as plastic storage bins) should be considered.

Next, consider your organization. The most popular strategy is packing items by room. By doing so, and labeling the boxes accordingly, you’ll be able to quickly and efficiently unpack the contents of the box. Another strategy is to pack all like items with one another. For example, all electronics together, all bedding together, etc. Whatever strategy you decide to use, be sure to stick to it. If you do not follow a certain strategy—packing items at random—the unpacking process will be tedious and frustrating.

Let your REALTOR Help

Your realtor has been with you every step of the way. Why not let them help with moving as well? Realtors often have connections with locksmiths, carpet cleaners, landscapers and many other home service companies. Just because the home is sold, doesn’t mean they will leave you out in the cold! Be sure to take advantage of our HomeOwner’s Plus program to find vendors and/or services that you may need.